Apprenticeship 101
Why You Should do an Apprenticeship?
Stop Searching for careers and money, instead enroll in an apprenticeship!
So many students look at their jobs post-graduation as careers trajectories, reputations, and a way to make money. This perspective is not only impulsive, but it fails every individual who attempts to begin their post-grad life this way. Your first job(s) should be an apprenticeship, and not just any apprenticeship but one that strengthens your weaknesses and amplifies your skills.
Q: How does an apprenticeship differ from a job?
A: An apprenticeship differs because it’s about learning your craft, however, it’s not just “crafts” that use apprenticeships. Apprenticeships are used extensively in medicine, law, engineering, and research.
Think about a doctor, they intern and do residency. A lawyer does clerkships. Engineers are in training until they pass their licenses (EIT). Researchers do pre/post-docs. Some of the most important and pivotal careers today use apprenticeships.
Q: So why are so many students lacking apprenticeships?
A: Because apprenticeships can require a 3-6 year commitment to learn the skill, and usually at low pay under the guidance of mentors. Many students are part of the university churn, with expensive diplomas they graduate with the idea they have to earn as much as possible immediately out of college, because you know .. debt.
New graduates also have commonly chosen a major that lacks apprenticeship availability and structure. These same graduates also have chosen a major that has no readily employable skill. Even more students graduate who don’t want to work in their major field, which is IMO a problem at the advisement level. These are the first few reasons why they find it challenging to enroll in apprenticeships.
It can also be the industry, if the firm/industry lacks a structure for you to learn your skill or trade by mentors and you’re just placed as a cog in a wheel of the company, you’ll miss out on a lot. Including:
You’ll have no loyalty to your company; they haven’t taught you anything
You’ll have no skills in 3-6 years to move vertically, laterally or outside your industry
You’ll have no license in your industry
Many licenses require some sort of mentorship sign off
You’ll have a difficult time flipping any past experience and skill into something else and new
You’ll feel stuck if your employer is the only one willing to pay you salary
Q: How does an apprenticeship help you?
A: Apprenticeship is a different model for skill building. It’s a system-based structure that has clear checkpoints and growth. “Apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships create hands-on learning environments that allow workers to learn important skills while they earn,”[1]
How many of you have felt like your job is just churn and has no real direction or check points? Yup, you’ve missed the apprenticeship, however, it’s never too late to start one!
Q: What can you do if you’ve chosen a major/field that has no apprentice structure?
A: As mentioned, many important careers require the apprenticeship and are structured for it already.
However, if you find yourself in a field that has no obvious apprenticeship structure or you’ve missed it in your current industry you can always apprentice in communication, that’s what I chose to do after 2 degrees in business school and 1 year in industry. No corporation was going to give me an apprenticeship in business, so I went back to do a 6-year apprenticeship in communication by teaching. And I wouldn’t exchange it for anything.
Read more about me >> About Me
I am an Assistant Professor of Business