Who are you and What do you do?
I’m a true gemini, this means there’s a duality to my nature. I find peace outside of the norm and anxiety within it. I read more fantasy than non-fiction and debate more philosophy than gossip.
I feel most like myself when I’m visualizing, speaking, and experiencing. My passion is entrepreneurship and teaching STEM+B: the integration of STEM and Business.
I’m an Assistant Professor of Business for about 10 years now, teaching mostly business courses. My 2 degrees are in business and engineering.
I am a cofounder for my Biotech Research company ↝ COSM RESEARCH.
Read the Business Blog ↝ here
Read more about my 6 year teaching apprenticeship ↝ here
Where does the name minimalmaxx come from?
MiNiMALMAXX was created originally as my Polyvore account name. I’ve been a minimalist for as long as I can remember.
To be honest, aesthetic minimalism was my first real draw to minimalism. The clean spaces, the simple lines, and especially the symmetry and monochrome aesthetics. So, naturally, I thought I was an aesthetic minimalist, through and through. It wasn’t until I reached about 25 years old that I realized this was only a visual component of minimalism and I embody many more aspects of minimalism.
I’m still anchored in the aestheticism of minimalism and design, but I’m much more self aware of my desire to not be tied down, to not need many things and to have space… a lot of white space in my life. I’m a true introvert taking respite in the simple, but I am also coming into an awareness of an untethered life. Things mean less to me than being able to get up and go when I'm compelled to.
My life is lived through a minimalist lens.